
Friday, December 21, 2012

Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 3. Thomas Hyde

In six parts: » 1. Shahnameh » 2. The Dabistan » 4. Qazvini » 5. Burhan-i Kati » 6. Various
Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Religionis Historia by Thomas Hyde
2nd Edition (Oxford, 1760). page 332

Mira multa de eo credunt Magi, ejus Asseclae, quale est illud in Libro Pharh. Gj. [= Farhang-i Jahangiri, a seventeenth-century Persian lexicon], apud Káshmer, seu Keshmer, quod est nomen urbis ex regione Terjhíz, quae in Chorasân, seu Bactriâna. Magi credunt quòd Zerdusht duas Cupressos sub fausto Sydere plantavit; unam sc. in dicta urbe, & alteram in urbe Pharûyad (aliàs dicta Pharâyad, seu Pherdíd) quae ex regione Tus. Credunt eum has arbores plantasse ex duobus ramis [seu virgultis] quos secum ex Paradiso attulit.— Dicitur quòd Chalípha Mutawâkkil Abbasides scripsit ad Tâhìr Ibn Abdallah, qui tunc praefectus Chorasaniae fuit, ut dictam arborem succideret, & Truncum Currubus seu Plaustris, Ramos verò Camelis imponeret, & hoc modo mitteret ad Bagdâd. Magi, hoc audito, obtulerunt 50,000 Dinar ut illa Arbor non succideretur: sed Táhir non acceptavit. — Ajunt sub hujus Arboris umbrâ plures quàm 10,000 Boum Ovium & Caprarum cubasse; & alia innumera Animalia inter ejus ramos nidificâsse, terram casu ejus tremuisse, & Aves ex eâ avolantes totum aërem operuisse, eásque, quasi per modum precandi, gemitum suum edidisse, & Oves ac Boves mugitu ingemuisse. Trunci ad Bagdâd Translatio constitit 500,000 Dirèm, & Ramis ejus onusti fuêre 1600 Cameli.

Very approximate contents in English:
The Magi have a story in the Libro Pharh i.e. Farhang-Jahangiri about the town of Káshmer or Keshmer in the region of Terjhíz in Chorasân or Bactria. The Magi believe that Zerdusht planted two cypress trees, one in the said city and the other in Pharûyad (Pharâyad or Pherdíd) in the region of Tus. They believe that he planted the trees from two shoots in brought from Paradise.It is said that Abbasid Caliph Mutawâkkil wrote to Tâhìr Ibn Abdallah, Governor (Prefect) of Chorasân to cut down the tree and send the cut trunk on carts and cales to Baghdad. The Magi, on hearing this, offered 50,000 dinars if he would not cut down the tree, which Táhir did not accept.They say, under the shade of the tree more than 10,000 sheep, goats and oxen can shelter, and countless other creatures live amongst its branches. When the tree was cut down, the earth trembled, the birds flew away covering the whole sky, and the sheep and cows groaned as if in prayer. The cost of transportation to Baghdad was 500,000 Dirhams and the branches were loaded on 1600 camels.

In six parts:
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 1. Shahnameh
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 2. The Dabistan
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 4. Qazvini
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 5. Burhan-i Kati
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 6. Various

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