In six parts:
» Texts 1. Shahnameh
» 3. Thomas Hyde
» 4. Qazvini
» 5. Burhan-i Kati
» 6. Various
The Dabestan-e Madaheb/Mazahib* (School of Religious Doctrines) Translated by David Shea and Anthony Troyer
Volume I (Paris, 1843), pp. 306-308:
(* According to one author, Mazah means 'sect'.)
The professors of the excellent faith and the Moslem historians agree, that in Kashmir or Kashmar,1 a place celebrated for female beauty, a dependency of Naishapur, there was formerly a cypress2 planted by Zardusht [Zoroaster] for King Gushtasp, the like of which was never seen before or since, for beauty, height, or straightness: mention of this tree having been made at the court of Mutawakkal3 when he was engaged in building the Sarman raï, or Samarah4 palace in the Jâafriyah,5 the Khalif felt a great desire to behold it: and as it was not in his power to go to Khorasan, he wrote to Abdallah Táhir Zavalimin, "possessor of happiness," to have the tree cut down, fastened on rollers, and sent to Baghdád. When intelligence of this came to the people of the district and the inhabitants of Khorasan, they assembled at the foot of the tree, imploring for mercy with tears and lamentations, and exhibiting a scene of general desolation. The professors of the excellent faith offered the governor fifty thousand dinars to spare the tree, but the offer was refused. When the cypress was felled, it caused great detriment to the buildings and water-courses of the country; the birds of different kinds which had built their nests on it issued forth in such countless myriads as to darken the air, screaming out in agony with various tones of distress: the very oxen, sheep, and other animals which reposed under its sheltering shade, commenced such piteous moans of woe that it was impossible to listen to them. The expense of conveying the trunk to Baghdad was five hundred thousand dinars; the very branches loaded one thousand and three hundred camels. When the tree had reached one station from the Jaafriyah quarter, on that same night, Mutawakkal the Abasside was cut in pieces by his own guards,6 so that he never beheld the tree. Some Muhammedan writers state the circumference of the trunk at twenty-seven táziáynah, each a cubit and a quarter long, and also that fourteen hundred and fifty years had elapsed from the time of its being planted to the year 252 of the Hejirah (846, A. D.).7
1 Kashmar, Kishmar is the name of a town in the country of Tirshez, in Khorasan or in Bactria (Hyde, p. 332).
Upon the cypress, according to
the Ferhang Jehangiri and the Burhani Kati, Zardusht planted two
cypress-trees; one in the town just mentioned, and the other in the town
of Faru’mad, or Feru'yad, or Ferdi'd, which is in the country of Tus. The Magi believe, he planted these trees by means of two shoots brought by him from paradise.
[To these miracles add that related in the Shahnameh Naser,
quoted by Hyde (p. 324): Zoroaster planted before the king's palace a
cypress-tree, which in a few days grew to the height and thickness of
ten rasons (measure undetermined), and upon the top of it he built a summer palace.]
3 He was the tenth Khalif of the Abbassides, and began to reign in the year of the Hejira 232, A.D. 846.
Samarah is a town in Chaldaea, from which the Samaritan Jews have their
name, and which was for some time the seat of the Muselman empire
5 Jâafriyah is a town in the Arabian Irak, so called from its builder, Jâfar, the original name of the khalif who assumed the title of Matavakhel al Allah, "he who confides in God."
6 He had then reigned fourteen years and two months. The Turks were excited to murder him by his own son Montassar, in the town of Makhuriah, on the very spot where Khosru Parviz had been put to death by his son Shiruyah (Siroes)–(Herbelot).
According to the above statement, the tree would have been planted 604
years before our era, that is, about the time of Gushtasp, king of
Persia, if the years above stated be taken for solar years; but if for
lunar (that is for only 1408 solar) years, the epoch of the plantation
of the cypress would be 562 years B.C., and 548, if the computation be
referred to the end of Mutawakhal's life.
in six parts:
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 1. Shahnameh
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 3. Thomas Hyde
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 4. Qazvini
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 5. Burhan-i Kati
» Cypress of Kashmar Source Texts 6. Various
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