
Monday, February 11, 2013

Pahlavans & Sakastan 6. Battles with Dragon-Snakes

In nine parts: » 1. Introduction » 2. Timur's Account » 3. Lineage & Nation » 4. Thraetaona & Thrita. Keresaspa & Urvakhshaya. Varena, Rangha & Patashkhvargar » 5. Trita, Visvarupa & Ahi in the Vedas » 6. Battles with Dragon-Snakes » 7. Garshasp, Saam & Zal in the Shahnameh » 8. End Times. The Renovation of the World » 9. Religion in Sakastan

Related Reading
» Saka
» The Pahlavan Heroes - Their Story in Brief
» The Shahnameh

Lesser Bundahishn (translated by E. W. West) = LB
Greater Bundahishn (translated by B. T. Anklesaria) = GB
Avesta = Av
Yasht = Yt
Yasna = Y
Vendidad = V

Avesta Quotes
Aban Yasht 15.27-8
The manly-hearted Keresaspa offered prayers by the Mazda given Gudha, a channel of the Rangha, upon a golden throne, under golden beams and a golden canopy, with bundles of baresma and offerings of full boiling [milk]. He implored a boon be granted, saying: Grant me this, that I may succeed in avenging my brother Urvakhshaya, that I may smite Hitaspa and yoke him to my chariot. The Gandarewa, who lives beneath the waters, the progeny of Ahura in the deep, he is the only master of the deep. (Given what we read below about Gandarewa, this translation bears scrutiny. The implication is that Urvakhshaya, Keresaspa's brother was killed by Hitaspa. The context for mentioning Gandarewa needs further scrutiny.)

Zamyad Yasht 19
Keresaspa, the Khvarenah and the Demon's He Vanquished
Yt 19.38. The third time grace departed - Yima's (Jamsheed's) Khvarenah - grace left Yima, son of Vivanghant, in the likeness of a Varaghna Bird. That Khvarenah was grasped by the manly-hearted Keresaspa; he who was the sturdiest in human strength, next to Zarathushtra, on account of his courage.

Yt 19.39. Manly courage enveloped him. We extol the firm footed, never sleeping, ever vigilant, and fully awake, manly courage that enveloped Keresaspa;

Yt 19.40. Who vanquished Azi Srvara, horse-devouring, people-devouring, yellow and poison spewing, from who yellow poison spewed a thumb measure deep. Upon who Keresaspa cooked his food in a metal vessel. At noon time, the fiend feeling the heat, arose and charged overturning the metal pan spilling the boiling liquid and startling the courageous Keresaspa;

Yt 19.41. Who vanquished the golden heeled Gandarewa that rushed jaws open, eager to destroy the righteous corporeal world; who killed the clan of Pathana, all the nine; and the clan of Nivika, and the clan of Dashtayana; who killed the golden crowned Hitaspa, and Vareshava, the son of Dana and Pitaona, attended by many Pairikas;

Yt 19.42. Who vanquished Arezo Shamana, he who was of the manly courage, who was strong, well beloved, hail, energetically rushing, fully awake, never falling back;

Yt 19.43. Who vanquished Snavidhaka, he who killed with his nails, the stone-handed: thus did he claim to all around: I am an infant still, I am not yet of age: if I ever grow of age, I shall make the earth a wheel, I shall make the heavens a chariot;

Yt 19.44. I shall bring down Spenta Mainyu from the shining Garo-nmana; I shall make Angra Mainyu rush up from the Duzangha. They will both pull my chariot, Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu unless Keresaspa with manly courage can vanquish me. Keresaspa with manly courage vanquished him, his life vanished and happiness was restored.

Pahlavans & Sakastan pages:
» 1. Introduction
» 2. Timur's Account
» 3. Lineage & Nation
» 4. Thraetaona & Thrita. Keresaspa & Urvakhshaya. Varena, Rangha & Patashkhvargar
» 5. Trita, Visvarupa & Ahi in the Vedas
» 6. Battles with Dragon-Snakes
» 7. Garshasp, Saam & Zal in the Shahnameh
» 8. End Times. The Renovation of the World

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