
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Khv, Xv and Hv Sounds in Avestan & Transition to Modern Persian

On the transition, if any, between the sounds and use of hv, khv (Xv) and kh in the Avestan to modern Indo-Iranian languages, and the etymology of hvadhata(he) / khvadhata(he)

- Yury Jakymec wrote on December 18, 2009:

In Avestan, there exists the sound "Hv" or "Xv". In modern Persian, there is a situation: when the sound "kh" is followed by "v" and this last is followed by "a", "i", then the "v" is mute and the "kh" has a slight change.

Example: "Khastan", "khabideh", "Khish", all of them have a "vav" letter (I don't know if this is the Persian Name of this letter, at least it is its Semitic name) between "kh" and the vowel.
Now, my knowledge of Avestan and Persian is not extensive. At least I know that the Persian word "Khabideh", "Khab" meaning "sleep", in Avestan is "Khshapa", also related with "Schlaf" (German), "Spaty" (Ukrainian), "Schap" (Dutch?) and "Sleep".

The equivalent of "Khish" (Wish) is "ish". Khish in Persian comes from Khastan and this is the verb "to wish" in English. In Avestan this is "ish". I never saw in Avestan using this verb with the sound we are discussing.

In Slavic languages, this word is "khochty" using similar sounds to Persian.

I always thought that both characters are related, but I did not find any proof yet stating this, and the words I know at least are not related with this.

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